Anyway, this song sparked the idea for today’s blog. In fact, I am going to actually continue on my thoughts from a previous blog where I touched on conditional love relationships. The blog was absent of my perspective on romantic relationships and how this kind of love has the power to steer your life. Since good ole Duke popped up and brought me back to a time where I was very much in love, I feel that now is the time I can dive into this topic. What about romantic relationships? As I spent three minutes indulging in some jams that brought back memories of a time I was living in a renovated tour bus on the island of Kauai, I can’t help but remember my girlfriend and our relationship. I was in love. Yep, that’s right. We had ran away to do the hole gypsy living thing and we were rocking it. I had some amazing years spent with a special woman that I can say I truly loved. Yes, really. I’m opening up here folks so take it easy on me… :)
Moving on, we just didn’t work out. Our journeys brought us different directions and that happens sometimes with the people you love. I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life and let go. None of my decisions are lived in regret, I am incredibly happy I made the ones I did. My life today is 360 deg. different than what it was when I was living in Hawaii and I wouldn’t have it any other way, yet I am incredibly grateful for those times . This is when I tie it all together… There are times when it comes to romantic relationships that you must allow yourself to clearly envision your future. If something seems unclear, or you don’t “feel good” about it, trust your intuition. As much as I loved this woman, it just wasn’t meant to be. That’s the first message… Stop forcing relationships that aren’t meant to be. Stop settling because you “love” them. Especially if you are in a toxic relationship that is bound by a false love because you “need” the other person. If you’re in a relationship that you’re getting treated badly, it’s your duty to make the conscious decision for yourself and your future self to make the right choice to improve your situation. The second message… romantic love can spark major transformation within a man or woman. I have seen incredible change after heartbreak amongst myself and friends who found the ending of relationships as a calling card to get better. AND this is exactly how romantic love influences your journey. Love can speed, slow, hault, alter, and steer who you are, where you stand, and where you are headed. I have had a handful of fairly serious romantic relationships over the years that have greatly contributed to the man I am today. Within these relationships I have learned an incredible amount of information about myself. Amongst the most important, I have gained a better sense of what I truly want in life. Love opens the doors to our true feelings, desires, and aspirations. Love at the same time can fog these things so be conscious as to when this is the case. Love can give you energy and happiness yet at the same time cause heartbreak and sadness. Love can direct and guide yet at the same time get you lost. Past love relationships have thrown me all over. I have let love slow me down, speed me up, and get me lost. This is the beauty of life! We continually open ourselves up to others to find out more about ourselves. I have found in recent that I have a lot more to find out about myself before I can commit to another person. This is when love slows and steers… You slow down to find out the things you can do to become a better man or woman. These findings steer you in the right direction to change….it’s your choice to make such changes. I’m no relationship expert. In fact, I’m sure a handful of women who know me on a romantic level can agree with that and will let me know once they read this. haha. I’m just a normal dude with similar problems as anyone else. I have loved and felt heartbreak. I have been on both ends of heartbreak. I’m not perfect, neither are you. We can all learn from our mistakes, I hope you can find some value in mine so you don’t make the same ones… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This wasn't exactly my initial vision as to how I saw myself writing this blog...but... I felt there is some good bits. Let me know what you would like more of... Happy Sunday you beautiful people. I LOVE YOU ALL
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AuthorMy name is Josh Morin and my mission here is solely to be the light to help you find your north star. Archives
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