Here I am, yet again. 10 O’clock on a Saturday night sitting, staring at a computer screen. Music cranked to drown out the party noise coming from the apartment upstairs. With all the blood in my arms and biceps and not my brain, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for a Saturday night rant. I haven’t just ranted for a minute and today I am in one of those gritty moods. I sit here, a familiar scene for a Saturday night in my life, and I listen to the thuds and bangs coming from above my room as the chatters of college students and mumble rap music make for a “lit” evening for such a crew. Now, I am not going to be the fun crasher and point fingers to say that having fun and partying is wrong, but, this scene is nothing new. In fact, since moving into a new apartment a handful of months ago, I have found myself sitting in my room writing many of these blogs to the sounds of the chaos happening only a few boards above my head. There is about 10 feet between me and them. The difference, only 10 fucking feet. See, that’s all life is, the difference of 10 feet. We live in the same apartment complex. We park in the same parking lot. We have the exact same housing layout and living situation. But we live entirely different lives. I will not say I’m living better, as I have been on the other side of the 10 feet as well. What I will say, I know being on the other end of the tape measure is a good place to be if you want to lessen your chances of achieving your dreams. I will say, I know being on that end of the 10 feet will guarantee a life in limbo. I will say that if you have any ambitions to live a life completely on your own terms, anything that is casual should be closely evaluated for its ROI. Drinking and partying 2-4 nights a week is a sure fire way to lose if you have any plan of winning.
That’s just it though, it just hit me. I am preaching the the choir. If you happen to be reading this, chances are you aren’t throwing a ball across the table into a red cup. If you are reading this, chances are you are a lot like me, probably sitting at home watching some Netflix, doing yoga, creating art, reading or writing. These are the chances because who the fuck reads a blog rant at 11pm on a Saturday night who isn’t hungry for success? Yep. Facts. If you are reading this and I am preaching to the choir, keep on keeping on. If you find yourself stumbling over this at 2am after getting fucked up, I hope this can be a call to WAKE THE FUCK UP and really consider what you are doing with your life. Tomorrow is a new day. Rest easy tonight. 5 For 30.
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AuthorMy name is Josh Morin and my mission here is solely to be the light to help you find your north star. Archives
January 2021
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