Do you feel tight in your chest? Always anxious? Often stressed to the point where your mood is greatly affected? The big question is, why? Now, I am no doctor. Sure, I took a few college level human biology courses and have self educated over the last five years in the realm of personal care, exercise, nutrition, and healthy living, but I am by no means qualified to tell you on a molecular level what the hell is going on. What I am qualified to share is my thoughts as to why I believe you are experiencing this as well as offer my solution to the problem. Anxiety, depression, mood swings, stress, I have experienced it all. I’m no stranger to the low level vibrations that seduce us into a dark holes of suppression, victimization, and hopelessness. In my young life, I have had the privilege of winning as well as getting the holy shit kicked out of me. I’ve overcame and conquered, as well as stumbled and miserably failed. The ying and yang of life, it’s absolutely required if you seek the path of your personal legend. Over the years, I have felt the tightness in my chest many of you may also be experiencing. Instead of doing what a western medicine doctor would do and suggest pills that numb your life experience, I am here to offer a different perspective on the problem and solution. No fucking pill will ever solve this tightness, stop seeking band aid quick fixes for gushing wounds. It’s time to get to the root of the problem. The problem is, you’re holding your breath. What? Holding my breath, Josh?
Yep. Holding your damn breath. You’re holding your breath when it comes to your work, health, relationships, metaphysic vitality, and your connection with the operator of your body, you. You’re holding your breath for that shitty job you are working that brings nothing but negativity. You’re holding your breath for school work that you are only doing because that’s what Mommy and Daddy want you to do. You’re holding your breath for that guy or girl who is never going to figure their shit out and realize the quality in who you are. You’re holding your breath on giving your body self-respect by providing clean nutrient sources and consistent exercise. You’re holding your breath on all the things you tell yourself that you want in this life. You’re holding your breath on you. That’s why you feel the tightness. Your body is screaming to be let free. When you don’t respond to such requests, the body reacts in congruence. Resistance is the cause to nearly all ailments. The crazy thing is, we actually have the power to manage such resistance in order to prevent disease, psychological disorders, bad health, depression, and all other feelings and circumstances where you feel like shit. The solutions? Stop holding your breath for the job you absolutely hate waking up for on Monday morning. There’s nothing more draining than hating what you do for money. No more accepting simply because you need the job. You don’t need shit. What you need is a reason to get up on Monday morning fired up about life because what you do for a living is equally as important as what you do while you are living. Put in your two weeks. Quit your fucking job. Stop listening to a boss that doesn’t give two shits about your personal life. There are abundant opportunities and people out there that can bring so much more value to your life’s meaning, stop holding you breath for those who could care less about you and surround yourself with those who want to see you win. Stop holding your breath for the person you think is so amazing but has yet to discover their amazement for you. How can you tell? Their actions!! If they lie, cheat, disrespect you, or alter who you are, how you feel, and try to change what you want, they don’t see your amazing. If this person truly recognized the amazing within you, they would treat you as such. People who don’t need to be reminded will remind you of your amazing. Stop holding your breath for people to change, they will never change with just your hope. Let that breath out for anyone who doesn’t fully support your mission, life’s too short to be anxious over shitty men that control you, crazy women who cause drama because of their own insecurities, and friends and family that only want to tell you what to do when their own lives are fucked up. Stop holding your breath for school and homework that you are only doing because it’s what your parents want you to do. I am pained when I hear young people tell me they wish they could do x, y, z, but instead have to “tough” it out for four years to receive a piece of paper that has a horrible ROI. I’m not going to use this time to bash the education system, instead, I want to offer my personal experience as light on the topic. Five years ago I walked away from college. That would mean I am a college dropout. The crazy part is that my education was completely paid for… After injuring my back, I was declared medically ineligible to compete in wrestling and I was granted a Medical Hardship that would honor my scholarship I was receiving as long as I completed school. I’m crazy, right!? Not in my eyes. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t paying attention in class and my mind was else where. I was wasting my time, the professors time, and my coaches time by only partially applying myself. The direction my life was headed did not require a meaningless Communications Degree to be exactly what I wanted it to be. My father told me that he would cut all financial ties and backing if I decided to go forth with dropping out. I did exactly that, dropped out. Why? Because it’s exactly what made me happy. It was exactly what I wanted to do. Once I made the decision it was as if a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. Life began to have a entirely new meaning and my perspective and hunger to learn increased ten fold. I began diving into the topics that brought the most value to my life instead of procrastinating on shit I didn’t care and would forget about anyway. I stopped holding my breath for what other people wished for me, they aren’t the ones who tie my shoes and wipe my ass. Stop holding your breath to attend a school because it’s what your parents want you to do, they aren’t you, enough being scared of what they will think. If the people who “support” you really support you, they will only want what’s best for you. If school isn’t what is best, stop holding your breath to make other people happy. Stop holding your breath from committing to a diet lifestyle change. Feeding your body with crap is the highest form of self-disrespect. Think about it… When you pollute your body with chemicals, processed and fatty foods that have no purpose, you are literally choosing to disregard any respect you have for your health. You know consuming certain foods, drinks, and products that don’t supply you with the nutrients you require isn’t what is best for you. So, why do you keep making the decision to destroy your temple? Trust me, I get it. After returning from South America I found myself on a binger. I ate a container of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream every single night… That’s nearly 2000g of sugar per month! I was consuming massive amounts of sugar that led to some major issues in how my body regulates glucose and I was showing signs of diabetes. I was becoming a diabetic by the poor choices I was making. I victimized myself and let sugar be my escape. I was in denial of why I was ill. I didn’t have the balls to admit I was fucking up and not caring about my body. With the help of a few select others, I was called out and they challenged my accountability to living a healthy life. I preached one thing but lived another. If no one else has said anything to you, this is me calling you out. Stop holding your breath because you are scared to “give things up” because it’s what is comfortable. We only have one body, treat it with respect. Stop holding your breath on all the things you speak boldly of but your actions say different. If you want something, if you speak about it, be about it. Put in the work. Find the resources required for you to succeed, the amount of information out there is endless. There is no excuse as to why you aren’t actively pursuing your passions. “But, Josh, that’s easy for you to say.” Is it though? I know what’s it is like to live small. I know what it’s like to ignore my callings and rather indulge in meaningless bullshit with people who didn’t give a fuck about me. I know how easy it is to not set goals, commit to them, and work every damn day to achieve them. I know how hard it is to break free from this patterned behavior because most people who are around you are in the same place you are and they definitely don’t want to see you progress. I understand it all. What I don’t understand is why speak of something if you’re never going to commit to achieving it? Most people want to sound cool. Others want to be cool. I just want to do cool shit. Stop holding your breath on all the things you say you want in life, words preceded with no action makes you a bullshitter. Don’t be a bullshitter. So that’s it, stop holding your breath. When you break down life into the things that cause resistance, you can begin to examine where a lot of your problems stem from. Go to the cause of the root of the problem and live in the solution. Call me a doctor, or call me crazy, but my recommendation to a large percentage of your problems can be simply fixed by no longer holding your breath. There’s a prescription for ya, one you would never receive in a doctors office.
1 Comment
Baili Kurtz
3/27/2018 08:42:11 pm
Great read, love it Josh keep grinding.
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AuthorMy name is Josh Morin and my mission here is solely to be the light to help you find your north star. Archives
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